Employee scheduling software for long term care staff
Employee scheduling software for long term care staff

Born between 1997 and early 2010, the oldest member of this group is 23 years old. Gen Z is the newest entrant to the modern workforce, and this generation is approaching things differently. Now, there is a new cohort entering the fold. Besides, the generations showed relatable work habits and attitudes hence it was easy for employers to adjust to suit their demands. There is no denying each of these generations has had its unique approaches to the workplace. We’ve smoothly transitioned from Baby boomers to Gen x to Millennials with minimal fuzz. Over the years, we’ve had numerous era-defining demographic shifts. Here are some workplace trends you should keep an eye on: 1. As a result, you need to remain abreast of the modern workplace trends for positive change to come your way.

employee scheduling software for long term care staff

However, creating and managing a workplace that all employees will love is a daunting task because of the constantly changing dynamics of work. The benefits of building a healthy work environment are as clear as day. As such, this has led to a 47% increase in productivity daily (Prodoscore, 2020). Third, COVID-19 has forced much of the global workforce to work at home, which provides comfort, lowers work pressure, and fosters concentration. In fact, when the workplace environment is conducive, employees become highly engaged, and, in return, deliver 21% greater profitability (Screen Cloud, 2020) and a 41% decrease in absenteeism (Quantum Workplace, 2020). What you should know is that a healthy workplace is extremely decisive to the overall success of your business. Consequently, employees get tuned to their work and perform to the best of their abilities to deliver the desired results. Second, a good workplace environment boosts employee happiness, morale, and motivation. For example, the total cost of employee absenteeism from productivity loss is $225.8 billion each year. If not addressed properly, some of these costs can leave your business on its knees.

employee scheduling software for long term care staff

One, it curtails all the costs related to turnover, absenteeism, medical cover, and employee compensation. Creating a healthy work environment can be a game-changer in myriad ways. When it comes to employee performance and productivity, the workplace environment tips the scale.

Employee scheduling software for long term care staff